@MaisterQ napisał w Problem z edytowaniem pluginu:
Nic szczegolnego nie widze
Translate this in plugin.
lang.RegisterMessages (new Dictionary<string, string> {
{ "no_permission", "You don't have permission to use this command.\nRequired: <color=orange>{perm}</color>." },
{ "player", "{Name} now has {Kills} kills." },
{ "playerkills", "You have {Kills} kill(s)!" },
{ "playernokills", "You have no kills!" },
{ "playertop", "========Top 5 players========" },
{ "playertopline", "{Number}. {Name} has {Kills} kills." },
{ "kc_reset_all", "All players kill count have been reseted." },
{ "kc_commands_list", "<color=yellow>Available KillCounter Commands</color>" },
{ "kc_cmds", "<color=orange>/kc top</color> - See top 5 killers.\n<color=orange>/kc kills</color> - See the amount of kills you made." },
{ "kc_admincmds", "Admin commands:\n<color=orange>/kc resetall</color> - Resets all players kill count." }
}, this, "pl");