Custom Death Messages - Niestandardowe wiadomości o śmierci
Autor: @Mr-Blue
Wersja: 2.0.7
O pluginie: Plugin ustawia niestandardowe powiadomienia o śmierci gracza.Opcjonalnie
Plik językowy znajduje się w:
{ "Creatures/Antor": "{Name} got killed by a Antor", "Creatures/Bandrill": "{Name} got killed by a Bandrill", "Creatures/Bor": "{Name} got killed by a Bor", "Creatures/DartBug": "{Name} got killed by a Dart Bug", "Creatures/Radiation Bor": "{Name} got killed by a Radiation Bor", "Creatures/Rafaga": "{Name} got killed by a Rafaga", "Creatures/Sabra": "{Name} got killed by a Sabra", "Creatures/Sasquatch": "{Name} got killed by a Sasquatch", "Creatures/Skoogler": "{Name} got killed by a Skoogler", "Creatures/Shigi": "{Name} got killed by a Shigi", "Creatures/Tokar": "{Name} got killed by a Tokar", "Creatures/Thornling": "{Name} got killed by a Thornling", "Creatures/Yeti": "{Name} got killed by a Yeti", "EntityStats/BinaryEffects/Asphyxiation": "{Name} has died from suffocation", "EntityStats/BinaryEffects/Burning": "{Name} has burned to death", "EntityStats/BinaryEffects/Drowning": "{Name} has drowned", "EntityStats/BinaryEffects/Hyperthermia": "{Name} has died from overheating", "EntityStats/BinaryEffects/Hypothermia": "{Name} has frozen to death", "EntityStats/BinaryEffects/Radiation Poisoning": "{Name} has died from radiation poisoning", "EntityStats/BinaryEffects/Starvation": "{Name} has starved to death", "EntityStats/BinaryEffects/Starving": "{Name} has starved to death", "EntityStats/BinaryEffects/Territory Control Lockout Damage": "{Name} got killed by Territory Control Lockout Damage", "EntityStats/Sources/Damage Over Time": "{Name} just died", "EntityStats/Sources/Explosives": "{Name} got killed by an explosion", "EntityStats/Sources/Fall Damage": "{Name} has fallen to their death", "EntityStats/Sources/Poison": "{Name} has died from poisoning", "EntityStats/Sources/Radiation": "{Name} has died from radiation", "EntityStats/Sources/Suicide": "{Name} has committed suicide", "EntityStats/Sources/a Vehicle Impact": "{Name} got run over by a vehicle", "Machines/Landmine": "{Name} got killed by a Landmine", "Machines/Medusa Vine": "{Name} got killed by a Medusa Trap", "Too Cold": "{Name} has frozen to death", "Unknown": "{Name} just died on a mystic way", "killcounter_player": "{Name} got killed by {Killer}[{Kills}]", "player": "{Name} got killed by {Killer}" }
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Źródło: uMod
Custom Death Messages
Plugin został zaktualizowany do najnowszej wersji.
Jest możliwość zaktualizowania pluginu do Legacy v1?
@Majkel, w sumie to taki downgrade, jak znajde czas to wstawie plugin w nowym temacie w pluginach Legacy
@mroczny Chill nie ma problemu nie śpiesz się